29 May 2016
Running Go on a Chromebook in Developer Mode (without installing Linux)
Here are some instructions on how you can run the Go on a Chromebook in Developer Mode without having to install Linux or use Crouton! :)
16 September 2014
Running the Dart VM on a Chromebook in Developer Mode (without installing Linux)
Here are some instructions on how you can run the Dart VM (including pub) on a Chromebook in Developer Mode without having to install Linux or use Crouton! :)
30 August 2014
Chromebook Comparison Chart
In looking for a Chromebook; I discovered there wasn't a great place to find specs in an easily sortable/filterable/comparable chart. So, I whipped one together.
07 January 2012
Google Chrome NativeClient - The New ActiveX? Is it Good for the Web?
I like the possibilities that NativeClient in Chrome will open up, but I can't help think that we're going backwards... Do you remember when we used to see "Best viewed in Internet Explorer" and other crazy stuff written on websites?
17 December 2011
Google Chromebook - First Week's Impressions
I've had my Chromebook for a week now, so I thought it was worth posting my thoughts on it so far. I have the Samsung Series 5 WiFi model and paid £299 for it in the Birmingham "Black" PC World/Currys store. I'm sat here on the Sofa with it, writing this post :-)